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How to Keep the Best Employees

Everyone wants the high pay, reach a six figure salary but that does not happen right away. Benefits and perks is the way to pull the best employees to your organization. "10 Benefits and Perks for Attracting and Keeping the Best Employee" written by, William Morrow really gives great ideas. Who wouldn't want to have, full tuition reimbursement, paid parental leave, and a flexible schedule with remote work?

Within the next year I will be a college graduate and hearing an organization say "Full Tuition Reimbursement" is huge, a major benefit. The example Morrow gave in the article was Starbucks, a barista is Arizona signed up for an online program at Arizona State and they guarantee full tuition reimbursement. Another option would be when companies will pay for their employees to earn their masters degree, a win-win, they are investing in you and you can better yourself for free.

Someday I and most of us reading this will be parents, if you aren't already. Looking at the future and hearing "Paid Parental Leave" is really important. How nice would it be having BOTH mom and dad home during the beginning of their babies life. Ikea allows four months of leave as long as they have been with the company for a year, that is for part-time and full-time, a great incentive.

The last one which is my personal favorite is "Flexible schedule and Remote Work". Having the option to create your schedule with the option of working from home is, owning the way you work. The concept of core time and flex time comes into play. For example core time is when all of the staff needs to be at the office from 9am to 2pm and the rest of the time to fill an 8 hour day is up to the employee. A great incentive, being able to own your work schedule, while being the best you can be.

Benefits such as these are really important in todays society, not having the burden of student loan debt, being able to enjoy your kids by having paid parental leave and a flexible schedule is what todays organizations need to be thinking about and implementing.

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